“Blurred lines surrounding role of TAs”- Christina Behme’s interview with unews.ca

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Christina Behme works as a part-time faculty member in Dalhousie’s philosophy department but she’s also the vice-president of the CUPE local and represents teaching assistants at Dalhousie. She brought forward the issue at the CUPE general meeting on Friday. “People have been contacting us because they have to do the same amount of work and the same kind of work and be paid as a demonstrator as people that are being paid as TAs,” she said. A TA makes substantially more money than that of a marker or demonstrator — the equivalent of seven or eight more dollars per hour. “They have been fighting the employers for years for a specific definition of what TAs do and what a marker is doing,” she said. – See more at: http://unews.ca/blurred-lines-surrounding-tas-role/#sthash.qd8YZfBM.dpuf

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